This site is brand new. In fact, the launch is March 25, 2023! So, very new. We’re working on giving you good answers on the various features on these coins. Please check back in a little while and we will tell you more about…

What does it do? And are there really games on it?

What are all these crazy symbols? Etc.

About the Unicorn Mystique…

Because Your Magic Amazes!

What is this thing?

This is a special type of “Challenge Coin.” Regular challenge coins are given to people in a specific club or group in celebration of the things they have accomplished together. This one is called “Unicorn Mystique,” and it’s a little different.

This is literally a token of esteem. If you’ve been given one of these, it means someone truly appreciates you. Maybe you’ve been a terrific friend, or a wonderful student, or your work was especially kind and helpful. It can be given by a parent, a teacher, or friend. Or even by a stranger. At its heart, this coin means Thank You for being a wonderful person. It can even be From you, To yourself.

And just like a regular challenge coin, having one of these means you’re part of a new club — the Unicorn club. Because someone special thinks you are amazing, magical, mythic, wonderful, and beautifully rare.

Are there more?

Yes! Because it can be fun to collect them, this coin comes in a bunch of different styles….

Taction Brume

This is a highly sculptured coin. All the detailed curves and ridges of the unicorn, his mane, the moon, the flora, and all the symbols and writing stand out so they can be crisply felt. While it is a bold coin that anyone can appreciate, it is a brilliant choice for people with visual challenges or a spectrum need for a sensory focus companion — essentially anyone who experiences the world with an emphasis on their sense of touch. Following this theme, this coin is finished in antiqued silver plate, which gives it a beautiful, soft gray sheen. We’re calling this “Brume” since is resembles mist or fog, which we think is nicely symbolic.

To keep these coins extra special, they are very limited in number. Only 100 were made. If you have one, you are in rare and wonderful company.

The Mythic Coins

The Mythic coins are very different from the Taction coin. Not only is this coin shiny and brightly colored, it is very glassy and smooth to the touch. But even so, the bright white unicorn’s brow and hooves can still be felt, letting you know he’s there for you with a simple touch. This hefty coin makes a fantastic worry stone for anyone needing a smooth, sensory soothing companion.

This one comes in six very intense, jewel-like colors: Flame (red), Sunset (yellow-orange), Wilds (green), Royale (blue), Ione (purple), and Night (silver & black). Each color is limited in number, with only 100 of each being made.

However, there is one little problem if you want to collect them all. Our boss unicorn, Keyrkarin, has run off with all the blue coins and will not let us sell them. Instead, he and his various agents have been going out and giving them away to people they see doing good deeds in the world. You could write to Keyrkarin unicorn if you want to try and impress him.

The Quicksilver Coins

The Quicksilver coins are an ultra-rare breed, even among unicorns. The sky and field use the same jewel-like colors as the Mythic coins, but the unicorn shines in a silvery mirror finish and stands out in sculpted 3D so you can feel every detail.

As with the Mythic coin, the colors are Flame (red), Sunset (yellow-orange), Wilds (green), Royale (blue), Ione (purple), and Night (silver & black). However, each of these coins is far more rare, with only 15 of each being made! Though this time we didn’t let Keyrkarin wander off with any, full sets are will be increasingly rare as we break up the few remaining sets to send out individual coins.

Consult the Oracle

(more soon)

How to Play Uni-Ki-Ren

How the Unicorns Do

I have watched the unicorns dancing. Or I thought I had. Keyrkarin laughed when I told him what I’d seen. He said, “no, they were fighting.”

After much questioning (Keyrkarin can be amazingly evasive), I was able to piece together that the “dancing” unicorns were actually just playing a game, the winner of which would be granted a particularly shady patch of the meadow that day. The game they were playing was called Uni-Ki-Ren, the unicorn words for One, Two, Three. It is quite like what humans would call Rock-Paper-Scissors, better known around the world as a form of Roshambo.

To play, two unicorns face each other and both loudly count “One, Two, Three!” At the sound of each number, the unicorns give a little hop on their front two legs. On the count of Three, they pause with either their left hoof in the air (their sign for River), or their right hoof in the air (their sign for Cloud), or both firmly on the ground (their sign for Stone). As far as I could tell from Keyrkarin, River catches Cloud, but Cloud covers Stone, and Stone blocks River. If there is a winner, both Unicorns spin round: the winner clockwise, and the other reverse. However, the match I watched seemed to go on and on with tie after tie.

Evidently, even though unicorns are blazingly fast, it is not easy for them to hop in this manner, and they are thus a little slow. This means that each unicorn has time to observe the other’s strategy and can quickly adjust their own. For well-matched pairs, this results in a perpetual draw. Of course they add all manner of neck sways, tail flips, prances, flutes, and air kicks to fool their playmate, but I am told that matches can go on for hours until one player is eventually tired and distracted, finally making a misstep.

Still, it looks like a most wonderfully graceful dancing to me.

How MythiQuest Does It

After learning the true nature of this event, I showed Keyrkarin that there was a way to make such games much quicker. You just need to add more symbols. For instance, instead of just Cloud, River, and Stone, you can use the seven Oracle symbols on the back of our coins for a more decisive array of options...

Of course, that’s way too much to remember. Luckily, you don’t need to: the coin can do it automatically!

Two players are required, each with their own coin and perhaps some small question of honor…

  1. Face each other across a table or other flat surface.

  2. Place your coins close to each other on the table, with the “Magic” side facing up.

  3. Then, shield your coin from your opponent’s view.

  4. Select any Oracle icon as your champion avatar and rotate it to the top of your coin, closest to your opponent.

  5. When both players are ready, simultaneously show your coins.

  6. Then, slide your coins together so your champion avatars make contact (or if virtual, just announce your selections).

  7. Look at your opponent’s avatar and find it on your own coin…

    • If their avatar is the same as yours, it’s a rare tie. Try again.

    • If their avatar is on the <<<LEFT arc of your coin, they win.

    • If their avatar is on the RIGHT>>> arc of your coin, YOU WIN.

In the example pictures above, since the opponent’s “star” appears on the right-side arc of our coin, we win: love outshines the stars!

The Spiral Path

Legend says that the unicorn can be captured with a simple trick. The hunter, having tracked the beast again and again, corners the unicorn until he finally charges, brandishing his fearsome horn. The hunter must quickly place his back against a sturdy tree, brave the onrushing unicorn, then deftly step aside at the final moment, causing the unicorn to pierce the tree with his horn and become stuck.

But this is not true. Unicorns are smarter, more elusive, and more peaceful than this. But more importantly, the horn, or alicorn as it is more properly known, is a tool of magic, not violence.

Still, we all get stuck sometimes, tree or not, wondering what to do or how to proceed. Unicorns, however, need only glance up at the spiral of their alicorn, each round of which is given its own name in the unicorn language, starting from forelock to the starward tip. To help everyone else remember these words, their symbols appear around the back edge of each coin.

List everything that’s on your mind. Write it down. Getting it out from under your horn will make some room for a more peaceful journey.

Maza (Cite, or List)

Decide on a path. Choose a project or goal, big or small, or even choose to do nothing and give yourself a break. The important part is that you give yourself permission to make the choice and give it top priority for this moment. Different moments and different tasks will come soon enough. So allow each chosen moment to live its proper time in peace.

Diso (Choose)

Move forward on your chosen path, even if it’s a small step. Then, you are that much closer to the open meadow.

Ki (Act)

Take a moment to understand what each facet of your being—body, mind, heart, and spirit—wants of this path, and be sure to include some element that soothes each. The unicorns have a saying: “All four must go to gallop.” Meaning: All four hooves must move if one expects to go forward, just as body, mind, heart, and spirit must move together to accomplish your best.

Enka (Align)

Reflect on this process. What is working best? What needs adjusting? Use use your insights to add personal flair, twists, turns, and other refinements and reimaginings. Rename the spiral rings if that’s what makes sense to you. It’s your own path after all.

Esra (Create, or Build)

Share your results and get closer to like-minded people. Help and be helped, teach and be taught, elevating everyone in the circle. Provide ideas and listen to others’, but remember that your journey, and thus your decisions, are ultimately your own, just as others’ belong to themselves. Even when your advice seems to have no effect, it is working its magic behind the scenes. Just as theirs is working on you.

Seiru (Connect)

Take a moment to appreciate yourself, your creativity, and those who support you. And then climb the spiral anew.

Jee (Celebrate)

Maza diso, disot ki,
enka esra, seiru jee
jee-ut maza diso ki
enkara seiru, seirus jee